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TV Shows For Modern Day GentleMan!

Updated: Mar 20, 2018

In today’s time, TV Shows are trending at a great pace. Every now and then new releases and great shows take over the social media with full storm. With so many shows and such little time, it is difficult to evaluate and decide which one to watch. Gentleman’s Journal will help you take this decision to make sure to put your leisure time to best use!

Gentlemen, say no to piracy, get your Netflix membership today.


This show is based on a law firm and the great *drumroll* Harvey Spectre. The show highlights the passion of making money and depicts amazing instances of business decisions and convincing power. The wit and personalities depicted through characters is unimaginable and something to look forward to. Bromance between Harvey and Mike Ross is relatable and natural in its best form. With being a show filled with great “suits”, insults, drama, love, business and luxurious lives it is a must watch!


Presenting to you, the ultimate show which is based on its famous quote – “Life changes, friends don’t.” This show revolves around the journey of a Hollywood actor through his path to success along with his ‘entourage.’ This is a great fun-to-watch show that has a character depicting an epitome of energy – Ari Gold. It revolves around friendship amongst the characters and great business sense of Ari Gold. With ups and downs throughout the life, it highlights great instances of life which makes it worth the watch.


This show is a clash between two great gentlemen trying to hold their stance and do justice to their work and profession. Tangled with emotional wires, this battle revolves around a billionaire, Bobby Axelrod, who is supposedly blamed for earning huge sums of money through fraudulent techniques like insider trading by his counterpart – Chuck Roades (A US Attorney.) Bobby Axelrod, a gentleman by his actions and not attire, is depicted as a great family man with utmost loyalty and respect to people around him. This show is filled with applications to the stock market which drives the attention and interest of the viewer. It highlights the luxurious life a businessman would desire without forgiving any other aspects of life.


This American Drama series draws attention to the extent to which a gentleman could go to support and aid his family in critical times. Walter White, when diagnosed with cancer, takes the responsibility to repay his medical bills and secure the family’s future by taking up a meth-making business. Along with Jess, his partner, he faces a lot of ups and downs throughout the show and a small business turns into a big deal. Heisenberg, the name of Walter White in the underground operations, has a dynamic personality which is one-in-a-kind and a prime reason to watch this show. With great acting in supporting roles, this show is one of its kinds.


Sherlock is an impeccable show accentuating the sharp genius mind of Sherlock with help of his side-kick, Doctor Watson. The suspense and thrill depicted in this show is unmatchable and out of this world. Having such good attention to detail and wit is not possible, but is shown in a sober and imaginable way. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch with his astonishing acting and ‘brit’ accent, this TV Series follows a unique episode pattern. A typical 90’s London plot adds a sense of class-apart role play and aesthetically historic vibe. A show one would watch again and again, it aspires the IQ level of many.


Highlighting the political environment of the United States, House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood in constant greed to move up the ‘food chain’. He strives by adapting a typical politician image and showing a selfish nature to achieve his ambitions. Along with his wife who resembles a great personality, his journey to be the most powerful man in the world is shown with grace and utmost detail. This show subtly empowers characteristics of ego and self confidence to acquire great power and position.

So what are you waiting for? Go get your Netflix membership today.

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